Gen 7- Chapter 12 Part 2: Tranquil Truffle

Sightseeing with a blind person is not all that fun. Believe me I should know. Poor Granite had the pleasure of dragging me around every where. since all of it was literally foreign to me, I was pretty much glued to his hip the entire time.

Our first stop was to the nectary, Mara said regardless of the accident it was something we had to do. She said it would be something for me to actually enjoy. I wasn’t sure what she meant by that at first, but by the time we left I knew exactly what she meant.

Mara must have called ahead, because when we arrived, we were greeted by the owner and he personally took on a tour through the facility. As we walked, all I could smell was the wine, the fragrance of the grapes were intoxicating. Again my mouth started to water.

“Now I hear that you want to make your own wine yes? Mara said I should set you up with the entire tour package.”

“Ohhh that does sound fun.”

“Ah wonderful! I hope you brought a swim suit.”

After some fairly quick instructions, the man left me and Granite alone with our Vat. We had already purchased our grapes and placed them in the bucket. The next step was to squish them. We walked off to the changing room and then returned. Making sure my feet were clean, I started to step in. Granite steadied me as I sunk my foot down into the ooey gooey of the grapes. It made a funny smoosh noise and the feeling to my feet was like nothing I had ever felt before. I giggled louder than I had anticipated.

“Ahhh oh wow.”

“Feel funny?”

“Bizarre.” I replied as I started to lift one foot to squish another grouping of grapes.

Next Granite got in with me. His reaction was almost as funny as mine, except he let out a big EWWWWW! I had to laugh. Not many things make him go eww but I guess wet gooey grapes was one of them.

“This is…interesting.”

After a few minutes we had a system going and we were a grape squishing team. Never letting me go the entire time, he and I never fell once.

And it was way more fun than I thought it would be.

After we started our wine brewing (takes a few days) we went out for some more sightseeing. More for him than me. He wanted to take some pictures of me and other things, though I am not that big on photo taking, I figured it would be nice for everyone back home to see what we had been up to.

“Smile beautiful!”

When the sun started to set, we found nice quiet place to watch the sunset. Granite said he had found a great view of the Eiffel tower and there was no one in the world he would rather watch it with. It was nice to know he was so excited over it. He was like a kid at Christmas.


I just snuggled in and enjoyed his company.

“What are they like?”

“What are what like love?”

“The stars. What are they like?”

“Oh. Well…stars are like little shiny diamonds peppered through a deep dark blanket.”

“Ah ya none of that really helps.”

“Well…they are like…”


“They are like…”

“They are like you.”

“Like me?”

“Ya. A star is just about one of the most beautiful things that can be seen. It fills a dark night with light and wonder, and if you were ever close enough to touch one or even be near one, you would be luckiest person alive.”

I think I like stars.


“How is she doin?”

“Not so great.”

“Is there anything I can do. Anything I can get.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Oh I just feel awful.”

“It’s just hard for her you know. She is away from everything that she knows. Nothing is familiar. She feels completely isolated, and I really don’t know what to do.”

“Oh my. Well if she needs any thing. Any thing at all please tell me.”

“Thank you.”

A little homesick was an understatement. I was cripplingy homesick. I had no idea what started it, but soon I was so depressed all I could do was stay in my room and cry. I hated feeling that way. This was supposed to be a fun trip, and all I wanted to do was go home. Poor Granite was stuck my side, because being alone just made things worse. I can’t even imagine how boring it was for him.
After a couple afternoons of me wallowing, I guess Mara decided to try and take matters into my own hands. She instructed me to put on a nice dress and she was not about to take no for an answer. I tried but in the end I was gussying myself to go out even though I felt absolutely terrible.

“How are doing?”

“OK I guess.”

“Hmmm you are not convincing me it is so.”


“Oh please! Do not apologize to me!”

“We are going out. Night on the town huh?”

“Yay.” I mocked.

“Haha I have just the thing to make you feel better no. Just you wait and see. Now lets go!”

After our long drive back into town, we stopped and got out. As we neared our destination I could hear the tuning of instruments. My heart did a little flip flop at the sound of it.

“Where are we?”

“Ah my good friends the Eclair’s are putting on the show. You have not heard music till you have heard The Delice’s.”

The show started and with in no time at all, I was completely immersed in the melodic story they were telling.

It was so beautiful.

Once they had finished everyone applauded and cheered. What a delightful experience it had been. Just as I thought we were getting up, Mara jumped from her chair and rushed up to her friends.

“Hang on everyone! Please do not leave yet! We have a lovely pianist in the audience.”


“Yes and she has traveled all the way from Tweezlerbook to be here. Tranquil would you like to come up and play?”

“Not really.”

The whole audience awwwwwwww’d and I felt my entire body freeze up. I had not preformed for anyone other than Granite is years.

“Ohhh come on. Pistachio would love to play with you.”

“Yes I would!”

Part of me was all for it, while the other side was scared stiff. In the end my more adventurous side won and I was being guided to the stage and placed in front of the keyboard.

After discussing what the three of us could play, we finally decided on a number. My heart was racing close to a hundred miles an hour as I sat down to play.

“Ladies and Gentelmen! The Delice’s and Tranquil Chiffon! Lets give them a hand!!”

Watch Me!!

“You were amazing my little star.”

“You’re the one that makes me shine.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


“There is something I need to talk to you about.”

“Is everything OK Mara? You seem upset.”

“Aye no not upset…there is something I have not been that honest with you about. Something I need to tell you.”

“What is it?

“Are you sure nothing is wrong? I inquired again.” The strain in her voice set me slightly on edge.

“It would be best if I show you.”

“Show us what?”

“I can’t say.”

“I know it sounds strange, but is something you have to see for yourself. Will you go with me?”

I had to admit what ever it was that she was going on about had me completely intrigued. “Well if Granite will take me then yes I would like to go.”

“Oh I am so glad. I will be right back I need to grab a few things. I will meet you out front.”


As we headed towards the door, the phone began to ring.



“I am sorry. I cannot understand you. Is something wrong? Who is this? Prelude? Are you calling for the Chiffons?”

“You are going to have to slow down, I cannot understand you.”

“I’ll take it thank you.”

“Of course.”

“Hello Son. What is the matter? Are you OK? Are the girls OK? Mhmm. Oh…I see…It’s OK. I know. OK. Bye.”

“Love you better sit down, I have some bad news.”

65 responses

  1. That video almost had me crying too! it was so perfectly lovely!! Granite and Tranquil are just the sweetest couple ever. I love them so much!

    And oh no…I get the feeling that the phone call might have been announcing the death of either her mom or dad. Gahhhh nooo!! D= It’s always so sad when previous heirs and their spouses die =( But maybe the phone call wasn’t that! ….but then, what would it be? Are the kids okay? Eeep! I’m already dying for the next chapter! Haha. And I’m intensely curious as to what Mara was going to show them….so many mysteries! Eeek!

    You know exactly how to keep us reading. ….of course, even if there were zero cliffhangers, I would still read. This legacy is one of my absolute favorites for sure ❤

  2. … Video. … Star. … .. …. Bad news…

    … CRY.

    I seriously went from wiping a tear off my cheek one second (“You are one.” T__T) to cracking the heck up (Tranquil’s sarcasm is priceless. XD) to crying again. Honestly, such a beautiful post. Reminds me why I have so much love for these too–they have possibly the most beautiful love for each other I’ve ever had the pleasure to read about.

    And now… I will try reallyreally hard not to sit around and imagine all the possibilities of bad news. :S

  3. sadfjgshfsdgf.
    I loathe cliff hangers. Especially when you have to wait like a week to find out. Raaawwwrrr. WHO DIED?!

    Adored the chapter, and the video. So cute. I didn’t get teary, I just got really sappy feeling, hehe. How did you do the wine making poses? Did you use pose player, or did you just move Granite over? =] Epic photo taking and making skills.

  4. Nice chapters! 😀
    And like everyone else I’m extremely curious about the thing that Mara was going to show them & about what happened back home. Can’t wait for the next chapter!

  5. Hi i really love your stories. I was wondering if you could tell me what the name of that song in the video is? I know it but cant think of the name or singer.

    This had me almost in tears to start with: “A star is just about one of the most beautiful things that can be seen. It fills a dark night with light and wonder, and if you were ever close enough to touch one or even be near one, you would be luckiest person alive.”
    OMB, that was just about the cutest thing EVER. And now I’m all panicky about the phone call. Is it about Livi?? Or Cello?? Nononononononononononononono. Ce n’est pas juste!!!!! x

  7. Oh my god i cannot believe you can leave us like that! Two cliff-hangers. Whats happened at home (i think Tranquil’s mum and dad have died). And whats with Mara. There is something fishy about her. A mystery with her husbands death maybe? Maybe she is releated to the nanny! Soooo many things i can be. Please clear it up soon.

    Great chapter! xxxx

  8. D: D: D:

    You and your cliffhangers. Arrrrrgh!!

    But wow… Everything else was SO WONDERFUL!! The video and the part with the star and awwwwwwwwww <33333333 :3!!!

    I can't believe the generation is almost over…Oh Tranquil, I miss you already. 😥

  9. I’m a lurker and I finally decided I should comment!!
    Ahhh the video gave me goosebumps!!!!
    And I wonder what’s going on with Mara and at home 😦

  10. Bah that video totally had me bawling. I love how sweet her and Granite are. I can totally relate to taming the bad boy. <333 Amazing as always Berry.

  11. Pingback: Today In the World of Sims Stories 6.9.11 « todayintheworldofsimsstories

  12. OMG….or should I say OMB! that video had me crying, still does! I havn’t got a clue what has gotten into me lately lol but Berry I just have to say that chapter and the video were beautiful. On another note I’m interested to see what the bad news is, hopefully nothing to horrible.

  13. Tranquil and Granite will be forever my favorite love story I swear I might turn sixty but I will always go back and read this over and over again the song Heaven Tranquil played is actually my favorite song ever and it captures exactly what the story says thank you so much for sharing your gift with us this made me cry as it would make anyone, Tranquil + Granite forever

  14. The part about how a star is like Tranquil almost made me cry. That was a beautiful touch Berry. Granite is the sweetest guy ever.
    Also, what a cliffhanger! I wonder what happened at home?!

  15. Aw Berry, that song, well reminds me of my younger years too! lol Do you mind if I ask you how old you are?! lol if it helps I’m 27 😛 You’re work amazes me every chapter you do it better than before! It’s all so perfect, and although I’m cursing about the cliffhanger(s) I’m also so happy to see this chapter! I’ve been stalking your page daily hehe 🙂

  16. I’m gonna need you to update real fast like. Leaving it like that is horrible. 😉

    Great chapter! I love Granite and Tranquil, They are such a great couple! France was beautiful, I only wish tranquil would have been able to see everything.

    Now…get to writing. 😛

  17. suspensssssse….. I wanna know I wanna know I wanna know!!! I literally can’t wait for the next chapter!! The Eclairs…. are they somehow related to Mango Eclair by any chance 🙂 ?

  18. Oh, Berry! What’s that salty discharge in my eyes… oh right… tears…

    Seriously, is there one chapter that is not awesome???? You are a huge inspirations to me. I can not wait to read more!

  19. Hey Berry! What NRass && Mods (Like pose player) do you use for their positioning? what posistions (on pose player) do you use mostly?

  20. Hey Berry, I know this is a bit off-topic, and I know you are more obsessed with Lacey and Merlot than Fairy and Merlot…but I just had to show you this.

    I was listening to this song yesterday when suddenly it hit me – it fitted Merlot and Fairy’s relationship PERFECTLY!! I’ve heard it a million times before, I don’t know why it took me so long to realize it! 😀

  21. AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Whats is it!? Whats wrong i must know! I need the next chapter now! I muct know! Eepp! Well great chapter! =D

  22. oh dear bad news? I wonder what happened…..*eek* that’s going to make me crazy thinking over the endless possibilities. 🙂

    I’m also curious as to what Mara wanted to show them and will we ever find out now?

    Loved it

  23. That song makes me cry on a normal day, but this time, with all the photos, I cried even harder. This is my 6th-9th time of re-reading this, and I am still amazed by the outstanding quality x-x Amazing, Berry, amazing!!! x

  24. AWWW beautiful chapter!!! I just love the married couple having some time with eachother, Granite is sooo sweet, and it seems like Mara is trying really hard to make them have a great trip! But the phone call is worrying me quite a bit right now, So I should probably keep reading lol <3333

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