Gen 2- Chapter 3: Cherry Blossom

3 Birthdays and Wedding….wait? How does that go?


We all stood in awe admiring her dress. Nikisha was the belle of the ball, I had never really noticed how truly beautiful she was, until she was standing there in our kitchen preparing to become Mrs. Chiffon. None of could say a word either. It was such a blessed moment. Roz was a lucky man.

We put some final touches on her hair, and then I was off to my next project of the morning Mango.


This would prove to be a little more difficult, Mango was no longer sure about our plan. You could tell she had been worrying about it and had pretty much talked her self out of it completely. I stood there in the bathroom with her doing my best to convince her other wise. After a little coercing, I finally did convince her. I knew she wanted to, we just had to get her past those butterflies!


The wedding venue was absolutely breathtaking. I didn’t want to think about how much money was spent setting that thing up. Beautiful flowers strewn across the ground. The delicate bells that hung from the trellises. It was certainly a sight to behold.


We kicked the boys out of the house. There was no way we were going to let Roz get a sneak peak of Nik before the wedding. No bad luck was going to be had on their day, and we were all going make sure. Roz talked Carmine and Dad, trying to pass the time and keep himself a little more relaxed. It was obvious the closer we got to showtime, he was getting more and more nervous. Nikisha really did bring out the sweeter side of him.


Mango gathered herself and strolled out to take her seat. Its amazing what one could do with a little volumizer and snap in extensions. She looked so adorable. I was quite proud of my work. I just hoped someone else might take notice. She took her seat and all the other guests began to arrive.


It was such a lovely Ceremony. Even I was on the verge of tearing up. I had only hoped that someday my wedding could be just as beautiful. They exchanged rings, and as they did so, they looked so lovingly into each others eyes. For some reason it made me think of Shelton, but quickly somewhere deep down, I knew he was probably not the one I would be sharing my moment with.


During the entire ceremony, I could not help but notice, Mr. Carmines attention was drawn else where. I looked to Mango who had a very pleased smile stamped across her face. I wanted to give her a huge thumbs up, but I kept my cool and just sat back and enjoyed the show.



After the ceremony had finished, love remained in the air. All the couple were snuggling and huggling, it was really sweet, but it made me feel incredibly lonely.  The workers quickly moved all the chairs out of the way and turned the venue into a miniature dance floor. The DJ started the music and quickly everyone hit the floor.


As I observed the festivities from the sidelines, my heart almost skipped a beat as I saw Carmine walk towards Mango. I quickly moved a little closer to get a better seat. He still had that dumbstruck look in his eyes.

“Excuse me Mango?”

“Yes Cahlmine?” She replied in her oh so adorable accent.

” Wow, I just wanted to say that you look amazing.”

By this point her cheeks were beat red.


Just when things were getting good, Mom came up to me and started to ask me some junk about the twins birthday party. Ughhh Mom can’t you see I’m busy?! I didn’t really say that , but I was definitely thinking it. When she finally got her answer I turned back around to find them dancing. It had to be the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life.


Nikisha and Roz were so incredibly happy together. It was true what they said, the Bride really does glow on her wedding day.


As I stood there watching all the happy couples, my heart yearned for someone to call my own.


After the reception the happy couple were rushed off to their limo, they were on their way the airport for their 8pm flight to Twiki Islands. I have to admit I was slightly jealous. I always wanted to go to Twiki Islands, maybe someday. We all waved and and cheered until we saw the limo drive completely out of sight. What an amazing day!


Once all the guests had gone home, and Misty Rose had finished her cleaning duties, she sat down to watch a little TV. She hadn’t even been there 20 minutes when suddenly the TV croaked. She was so mad. What on earth would she do with out her precious boob tube. I couldn’t resist, I had to tease her a little bit.

“Maybe you should ask for a new one for your Birthday.”

Too bad she did not find it as funny as I did…


Speaking of Birthdays! We had a triple threat this time. We reserved the outdoor seating at the Neopolitan Dragon and brought our cakes for the ulti-Birthday. Mango was up first. She was so excited, her folks never really celebrated birthdays, so this was her first Birthday party ever!


She may not have been a conventional beauty, like the twins, but she had a charm all her own. I simply adored her, and it made my heart sink, when the realization that she would be leaving very soon to go back home sunk in. I was gonna miss her so much.


Tea Rose was next!


No surprise. She looked amazing!  *Jealous*


Then Misty…


I never told her, but I loved Misty’s hair, I had always secretly wished mine was white too. Mom’s hair was always so beautiful. I had even debated trying to dye it a few times… Probably good that I didn’t, most likely it would have turned out awful.


After everyone had blown out the candles, I saw Carmine and Mango together once again. This time the looks on their faces were much more intense.

“I wish you didn’t have to go so soon. Will I ever see you again?”

“Oh Cahlmine, I sure hope so.”


26 responses

  1. “She may not have been a conventional beauty, like the twins, but she had a charm all her own.”
    the guy on the right in the picture does not seem to agree with you XD

    I do, though ❤

  2. Please let Mango stay!! I’d love to see her and Carmine get married. I sooooo desperately want to see what their children would look like!!!

  3. >:) I know everyone is thinking about mango but what about Cherry? What are your plans for her and this mysterious someone she wants to call her own? Hmm knowing you I’m sure you’ve already got some one in mind 😉 can’t wait to see who.

  4. I feel I already asked you this, and searched through various chapters, but which skins do you use? From what I’ve seen, you use different skins, so which ones do Misty and Tea have?

    And Nikisha…stunning. Her and Roz are like the all-time best couple.

  5. This was my fav chapter so far. Everything was so beautiful – the wedding, the dress, Mango and the makovers when they all grew up. Where did you get Mango’s young adult dress from and Misty’s hair? x

  6. This might be a stupid question, can you really have exchange students in WA or is this just for the legacy? I just got WA but I haven’t been able to play much.

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