Gen 6- Chapter 13 Part 2: Olivine Bloom


As Tranquil grew, I quickly learned that a blind child was almost no different from a non blind child. We had all the same challenges as other parents, with just one little extra one. Surprisingly teaching her to talk was much easier than we ever imagined.


In fact her verbal skills were amazing. She was talking in full sentences before we ever even attempted to teach her to walk. She and I would sit for hours in the back yard talking about different sounds she could hear. She was so incredibly smart.

“I hear bird mommy.”

“That’s right love.”


Finally after careful consideration, we started to teach her how to walk. Cello did most of the work, he seemed to have a better grasp on the concept than I did and little Miracle just adored her daddy to pieces, so any time they got to spend together, she ate it up.


After a while she started to get the hang of it. All Cello had to do was call out to her and she could easily follow the sound of his voice. So once the mechanics of it all fell into place for her, she was walking like a pro not long after. I had never seen a more proud pappa in my life.

“I did it!”

“You sure did sweetheart!”


There never was a more joyful happy baby. She loved to laugh and we loved to hear it. She was always smiling and it was obvious when you saw her that she never once felt her blindness was a disadvantage. She was just a happy healthy little girl. A fact that made the two of us realize all of our worries before had been completely unfounded. She was amazing.


Everyone adored her.






Auntie Symph. Everyone was in awe of our little Miracle.


As time carried on and we quickly discovered there was something else that was quite extraordinary about her.

At first I was apprehensive of trying out the baby xylophone, only because I was unsure how I would show her where to strike the mallet. Deciding to finally give it a shot though, I sat down on the floor with her and gently took her hand in my own. “Like this.” *clink*

*clink* *clink* *clink*

“Very good!”


*clink* *clink* *clink*


I think that was the moment that music became her life. After some trial and error (hitting the carpet) Tranquil started to learn exactly where each tine went and which one made what sound. I watched in amazement as she started to create her own music. At first I didn’t hear it, but one day it finally clicked. She was learning how to play the sunshine song. I had to choke down the tears as I tried to sing along to her beautiful rendition.

“Please don’t my sunshine away.”


If she wasn’t playing music, she was listening to it. All kinds. She would sit for hours in front of the radio when we let her. Of course we kept it to clean stations, but to her it didn’t matter to her, just as long as it was music.


There was only one thing she loved more than her music and that was her cousin Minnie.  Watching them together was just about to most adorable thing I had ever seen.

“I’ll be the daddy and you be the mommy.”


Watching her grow up before my eyes, was the most amazing blessing I had ever received. Someone once said, we are only given what we can handle and if all of my hardships were necessary to have such an amazing inspiring person in my life, then let me tell you every single bit of it was worth it.

91 responses

  1. Such a cute little girl! but idk if its just the meds or what but i cried in the first part when liv sang the sunshine song to her and i cried again when she played it! I can’t wait to see what her story will be like….that is if they dont have anymore babies 😀

  2. This is so sad but so sweet. Everything they have been through but it goes to show that it does not matter about anthing – only that you are happy. Such a gorgeous chapter- thank you for sharing this with us x

  3. Love the chapter, i was waiting for something else to go wrong for Liv’s 🙂 where did you get Miracle’s clothing from its sooooo cute 🙂

  4. OMB, I actually started crying when she played the sunshine song, it was just so beautiful and so sad that she’ll never be able to see the sunshine she sings about…

  5. What an amazing chapter! Little Tranquility is adorable.

    I am so impressed with the way you make every character in to something special, how can you even come up with the ideas for everything? And also your pictures are always stunning. I am so glad I found this story, it’s a big source of inspiration and I’m hoping my own one will be at least half as good, then I’m proud!

    I am really looking forward to reading more about this little one, I think she is my favourite character so far.

  6. First off – she is freakin’ adorable! Such a cute little girl!

    I was near tears in part one but I knew they’d come around to seeing it as a difference than a hardship exactly. 🙂 Wonderful update, as always!

  7. Oh wow. I think this chapter is one of the best you have ever made. Cello and Olivine are so, so lucky to have such an amazing daughter like little Tranquil – who by the way is one of the cutest toddlers I’ve ever seen! :3
    And it’s great to see Olivine so happy.

    p.s. Actually it’s my birthday today, and this was a really great gift to come home to! 😀

      • I was wondering that too… great chapter, by the way! I love your twists and turns, and I cannot wait to see how this all plays out.
        As a side note, wow, Honey and Papple haven’t aged a day! :0 You always have such good looking old people. And young people, too. 🙂 Have a great day, Berry.

  8. Awwwwwwwwww,
    Ok, no matter what I want her to be the next heir, she is just TOO CUTE. And her being blind only builds to her personalty! awwwwwwwwww sooooooooo cuuuttttttteeeee

  9. Aww! I feel so bad for Miracle, but she handles it so well! I have a feeling she is going to look a lot like Olivine! She looks so much like Olivine when she was a toddler!!

  10. That is the most beautiful thing I have read in a long time. I worried for Miracle in part one but with her amazing family and that music she is going to be more than fine, she will be the perfect heir to the Chiffons. Loved it Berry dear

  11. Tranquil is soooo adorable! I love her hair color, but it’s not really Liv’s or Cello’s, did you change it up to look more like a mix between the two? I can already see, she’s going to make her family so proud!
    I think my favorite pic of her is the second one, where she’s sitting on Liv’s lap looking up. <33333 Love that one!

  12. She is beautiful, gorgeous, I can’t even explain. Her hair and skin go lovely together. I started to tear up when she was playing the xylophone. I absolutely LOVE your sims. I LOVE THIS LEGACY! 🙂

  13. Its probably just me being emotional today, but I cried when I heard the sunshine song. I used to hear my mom sing that song to my little brother when he was a baby (I had a different song) and it would make him stop crying instantly.

    I think that little Mir would make an interesting heiress! And she’s just sooo adorable!!! Great chapter, as always!

  14. OMB. I absolutely LOVELOVELOVE this legacy to bits!
    I’m trying to get my friend to read it, but she won’t. Idk why not though, she would LOVE it like me!

    are they going to have more kids? or are they afraid they’ll be…deaf or something?

  15. You wrote this chapter so well!! Not only did you decide to do something unconventional by making Tranquil blind, but you also did it in such a perfect way, emphasizing that she was absolutely normal- just with one thing different. Very well written and very touching! A definite challenge for Olivine and Cello, but nothing that they can’t handle!!

    Also, Tranquil is SOO adorable!!!! ^_^ *squee!*

  16. I love that you gave Tranquil a challenge like this at such a young age. So many people have to deal with disabilities of one form or another, they’re just not talked about. At any rate, they’re not main characters. But Tranquil… is beautiful. I’m so glad she has parents strong enough to be able to support her (and her musical gift). Thanks for another touching installment!

  17. TEARING. UP.
    the sunshine song is my favorite! great way to incorporate it, berry. i love how happy the little family is 🙂
    makes me happy to read
    berry, you have an extraordinary talent 🙂

  18. Aww… I was so hoping for the doctor to call back and tell them it was just a mistake and that little Tranquil (which by the way means “calm” in French 😉 )was actually fine and perfectly healthy… *sigh* but I guess being super talented in music makes up for it kind of right?

  19. Hey, izzi45, the exact same thing happened to me! My friend wouldnt read it unless I tied her to a chair and read it aloud to her! (I didnt btw) In the end, she just read it to keep me happy, she really loves it now!… Typical

  20. I just started to read your berry stories and I have been goingto bed late because I cannot tear myself away from those exciting berry stories. You are truly a talented person and have inspired me to be more creative with the sims 3. Thank you so much for sharing this berry gift with us all.

  21. And I thought chapter one was good, and I was right, however this chapter is amazing,
    and you are my sunshine!! Love you and love your writing!!!

  22. this is sooo sweet!!! And the moment I read the first part, by the end of part 1 I knew without a doubt that she would become a musician! haha I’m just weird like that 😛

  23. oh, dear Berry. <33 This chapter was so sweet, yet sad. I started to cry when Liv found out that little Miracle was blind. She is the cutest toddler ever. Her eyes are huge! x]
    I can tell this generation is going to be a very, very special one. ❤
    Ah! Berry you make me so happy. 😀

  24. I have a question…..
    How do you get your “Blog Stats” to show up on ur blog? I can’t find it on the Settings….

    and when we have the votes for heir, i’m most likely (that’s about 75%) gunna vote for Tranquil because I wanna see what you would do with her if she was heir. And she’s adorable. A-DOR-A-BLE

  25. My son has Autism and I sing “you are my sunshine” to him all the time. He is Seven and it puts the biggest smile on his face. Only his nickname is Chubba so instead of sunshine I say Chubba.

  26. Awwwh, I’m in love with this todler! I really can’t wait to read all about Tranquil, she’s got her self a stalker or two 🙂 x

  27. awesome chapter berry!
    what do you mean by it was a miracle they even got her?
    was there like a glith or something?
    or did I just miss a part?
    awesome chapter as always though
    good job making tranquil blind
    not that i’m happy that shes suffering or anything
    k i’m gonna shut up now 😀

  28. You are a wonderful writer and it shows in this chapter! I hope that Tranquil won’t have any struggles in life because she’s blind. Although she probably will!

  29. btw… 396,389 hits!!! I bet it’ill be more by the time ive published this!! (timing it!!)
    congrats!! Nearly at 400,000!!! Woooooo!
    (1 min and 0.14 sceonds!)

  30. I think I’ve been lurking around here since, maybe, Peach’s reign, but this is my first comment. I absolutely LOVED this chapter! You’ve started to do something very different with your sims by making Tranquil blind, and you’re doing an amazing job.

    So congratulations to Livi and Cello! It looks like Olivine’s unluckiness has finally paid off. I can’t wait to see how their daughter grows up, and how you will write it. Keep up the great work!

  31. I have finally added a chapter to my legacy! The Fleurs please check it out! Just click on my username thingy :p
    It’s sort of a rainbowacy…

  32. /*tear, please don’t take my sunshine away, Unfortunately I know the feeling of not getting what the heart desires. For some reason I was too told that I can’t conceive not only are my eggs non existant, my womb is also hostile, so any that do make it through my body betrays me. I was told that there are many options such as donated eggs, surrogacy, and adoption, but I don’t think it can compare to watching your body change before your eyes, and seeing yourself in your child. Reading the past couple of chapters have made me relive it all, in a good way though, the only thing i hope for is that my own version of berry up there doesn’t give me more than i can handle, and maybe just maybe I can have my own miracle one day, 🙂

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