Gen 1 – Lacey: Chapter 7

Chapter 7


Now that both boys were both in school I had decided it might be a good idea to delegate some of the house hold chores. They were not very keen to the idea, but with 2 babies and another on the way, I was going to get help whether they wanted to or not.
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It wasn’t very long before little Roz was not my little Roz anymore. He had grown into a handsome young man. I had a hard time with the adjustment. I would cry and cry, but I just blamed it on my pregnancy hormones.


The girls were growing up fast too! Seemed like they just got here and we were already celebrating their birthday, and welcoming our final bundle of joy into this world.


Cherry Blossom


Misty Rose had my lovely white hair (the first and only child!) and her daddies beautiful skin. Misty was my little angel. The girls picked favorites very early on and Misty Rose chose me.


Tea Rose was with her Daddy every free moment he had. She was a carbon copy. Hair , skin, but she definitely had my eyes.


Of course the girls loved us both, but you definitely saw a trend. I had taken on the task of teaching Misty to talk and Bubbie, Tea Rose. My goodness those girls were smart! They picked up that talking thing incredibly fast.


Someone in our family, namely Roz, fell hook line and sinker for Cherry Blossom. He helped out with changing her and I found him carrying her around all the time. I teased him he was going to make a great daddy someday.

“Whatever, Mom.”


Bubbie and I were trying to re-spark our marriage. Things had gotten a little flat when his job changed to that horrendous schedule. No. We were much more careful this time. No more babies!


Carmine has been spending time with Tea Rose too. He read almost every single book on their shelf to her. Her favorite by far was Coloring Out Side the Lines.


Tea Rose was also learning to use the potty! It was just amazing how fast she was learning. I knew this one was going to be my little genius


I think it had to do with us being busy, spending almost every moment of the day with the twins, but Cherry Blossom’s birthday was already upon us. Seeing I had completely spaced on throwing the twins their party. I vowed to not miss Cherry’s, so I called up the crew and invited everyone over for cake and ice cream!


We blew out the candles and waited in anticipation to see who out little Blossom was gonna take after!



Suddenly a moment of weakness, on a night I dared not speak of, was sitting on my kitchen floor.



42 responses

  1. For some reason I knew this was coming. Maybe because Merlot was in most of the screenies 😉

    I kept thinking, why is he there all the time… my suspicions have been answered!

    ❤ it berry

    • Thank you Hush! I know I just love him, and they were always wanting to hang out and I had to constantly cancel their interactions. Finally I decided you know what let em have their fun haha!

  2. great chapter, looking forward to the next one.
    The kids are gorgeous, cant believe that merlot is blossoms father, naughty lacey lol.
    She’s my fav so far x

  3. I love this! Great story, twisted in the end, what a scandolous family! But, she already is a beautiful little girl, what to do next?

  4. Gosh!!!!!!!
    Lacey is a %#&$ Lol! Poor Bubbie 😦
    I’m about reading the last chapter :S


    Roz is so handsome e’s my fav so far xD

  5. That was the funniest thing EVER!!! I cant believe she had an affair with Merlot and we did not even know about it! That picture at the end is the funniest! I LOVE the last pic – well done for capturing that scene. Hysterical ! x

  6. I realize I’m a tad bit ehind on this rainbow parade but I had to say that I literally laughed out loud when we realized that it wasn’t Bubbie’s kid. Sad but it was a pretty funny picture!

  7. Ooops….. I can’t wait to find out what happens next. On another note all the kids are so cute. Love the chapter and off to read more.

  8. Oh crap! I was right??

    Merlot can’t cheat on Fairy! They dreamt of each other since they were children and she left her fiance for him. I am officially not a Merlot fan anymore. 😦

    Quite the twist, wasn’t expecting it at all. Cherry Blossom is super cute though so hopefully she doesn’t get the brunt of the situation. I’m guessing based on the heiress images at the top that she doesn’t 🙂

  9. Ooooh, Lacey! Bubbie must be cheesed off now!
    I, on the other hand, like Cherry the best out of all the Chiffon kids (although, is she technically a Pinot Noir?).
    Great chapter, the expressions in the last pic are hilarious!
    You’re lucky Cherry didn’t end up with Merlot’s skin tone, otherwise the secret would’ve been out as soon as she was born lolz.

  10. Pingback: The aftermath | Lace and Lo:

  11. I can’t tell you how hooked on this story I am… OH MY BERRY is right. I can’t belived that Lacey would do that to Bubbie. Love the twits can’t wait to see what happens next.

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